Open an xml file containing your panels.
You can reload your configuration file quickly in case you flubbed up the one you have open or in case the file was updated by someone else.
Reopens without saving changes.
Saves your xml file (panels) and your personal preferences (skin, window location).
Opens a dialog to create a new panel (tab).
Deletes the selected panel. You must press save to make the deletion permanent.
This toggles CopyPaste mode on or off. CopyPaste mode make dragging and dropping possible in programs that do not support drag-and-drop.
Sometimes you may want to disable CopyPaste mode if your text copies twice into the target window.
Use the drop-down box to choose a skin for the program. Save or exit to save your preference.
Exits the program.
Displays a picture. You can change the picture displayed or hide it entirely under the settings tab.
Select panels by clicking tabs. You can rearrange the tab sequence: Left - click and hold, then drag the tab to new position.
Edit the panel info and/or name.
To drag and drop, right-Click, hold and drag the text to the desired location. When you release the button text will be copied in.
Double click these tabs to minimize the options ribbon. Select Settings tab for other settings.
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