Medical Lab Jokes – You know you’ve been in the lab too long when..

Medical Lab Jokes – You know you’ve been in the lab too long when..

You know you’ve been in the lab too long when:

You wonder what absolute alcohol tastes like with orange juice
You can’t watch CSI without cursing at least one scientific inaccuracy
You use acronyms for everything and never stop to elaborate
You always seem to use the microscope after the person with the impossibly close together eyes
You’ve wondered why you can’t drink distilled water in the lab- It should be clean?
You have to check the web to find out what the weather is outside
Safety equipment is optional unless it makes you look cool
Warning labels invoke curiosity rather than caution
Your slightly too fond of the smell of (pick one or many) Xylene/Agar/Ethanol/Alcoholic handwash
You’ve left the lab wearing a piece of PPE because you forgot you had it on
You moan about not being able to pipette by mouth any more
you have made some kind of puppet out of a nitrile glove and kept it as a pet
You’ve removed your gloves to find a small hole which has left you with either – wrinkly old person hands, a brightly coloured finger (histologists especially) or a burning sensation and dermatitis at some point.
You’ve bent down to pick something up off the floor only to scatter the contents of your top pocket.
(Credit for this list goes to: labgnome)

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